Bornafit Diet

Bornafit Diet

Version 3.7.0
Install +20 K
Category Health & Fitness
Size 29 MB
Last Update 2024 July 11
Bornafit Diet

Bornafit Diet

Version 3.7.0
Install +20 K
Category Health & Fitness
Size 29 MB
Last Update 2024 July 11
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It may have occurred to you that:

Have no motivation to lose weight.

In return for delicious food.

You can not wear the clothes you like.

Wear dark and loose clothing to look slim.

The seller will tell you, we do not have your size clothes.

Breathe issues while walking.

You are not a guest because of your bad body.

Or even ridiculed for being obese.

If any of these happen to you, install Bornafit right now.

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What is Bornafit?

To be fit, there must be three important factors together to achieve the desired result:

1- Basic diet

2- Regular mobility and exercise program

3- Motivation and will

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Bornafit is a complete app for getting fit that offers all three of the above factors in the best way.

1- Basic diet

- The diet plan is based on Bornafit's method with brilliant experience.

- Advice and support is provided by nutritionists with a valid medical code.

- In the diet, all food groups are considered.

- No slimming pills, drugs and teas are used.

- The diet is adjusted based on your physical condition and diseases.

- Variety of food and its selection will be according to your taste and desire.

- Along with the diet plan, you will be taught the correct style of nutrition.

2- Regular mobility and exercise program

- Exercise program is tailored to your physical condition.

- Daily walking is considered based on your ability.

Exercise program, along with diet, increases your metabolism and speeds up weight loss.

- Exercise program is provided under the supervision of a nutritionist and coach.

3- Motivation and will

- Support will answer your nutritional questions during the day

- Support every two weeks will assess your physical condition.

Follow-up will increase your motivation and encouragement.

During the course, you will join slimming marathon groups with the aim of motivating.

- Acting in a group and sharing user experiences, strengthens your will.

In short, Bornafit is a social networking application for health and fitness and everything you need to get fit in this application.

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Who is suitable Bornafit?

- Those who are overweight.

- Those who are underweight.

- Those who want to maintain their weight.

- People who suffer from diseases such as hypertension, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, osteoarthritis, diabetes, etc. and want to treat it.

- Those who want to prevent the disease.

Women who want to control their weight during pregnancy.

- Those who follow special diets such as fasting, ketogenic and fasting.

In general, all those who want to be fit and healthy.

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How is Bornafit supported?

- After joining Bornafit, you will be connected to the support via WhatsApp or phone calls.

- To contact the support by phone, you can call the head office

Every week, the nutritionist reminds you to receive a new list and announce your weight.

- A nutritionist evaluates your physical condition every two weeks.

- If for any reason you do not follow the diet plan, the expert will be your follower.

- You will be a member of marathon slimming groups.

- Joining slimming marathon groups and seeing the successful experiences of others will strengthen your will

- Depending on the activities you will have in the weight loss marathon, you will be given points or Fitcoin.

- At the end of the marathon, the top individuals will be given special prizes and discounts for renewal.

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What are the features of Bornafit application?

- Prepared food lists based on different diseases.

- Ability to select and edit meals at any time such as parties, travel and ..

- Weight loss trend chart

- Ability to output pdf food lists

- Borna Gram social network

- Bornafit dedicated messenger

- Ability to read Bornafit's books in the application

- Calorie counter tool, to calculate the calories of different foods

- Your activity tool, to calculate the amount of calories burned

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What are Bornafit communication channels?

Bornafit Health Magazine:


Head Office Number:


Get diet advice page:

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