

Version 1.2
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Category Tools
Size 907 KB
Last Update 2021 January 19


Version 1.2
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Category Tools
Size 907 KB
Last Update 2021 January 19
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More Info

Qorak: Professional lottery program

The program is a lottery between names and people and so on

The house is always full of paper and pens, but as soon as you want to draw with them, for example.

Yahoo All of them disappear

Only when you find the winner will it be known

Hey, some people are screaming

They say you cheated again and these words ...

But with our program, you no longer have these problems

There is no more cheating with our program

No one complains anymore (we do not accept the responsibility of the people who complain)

You no longer have to look for paper for a big draw (respect the environment)

Do not worry if you have low notes

Because this program is so small

It is also useful for family lotteries and lotteries for family loans

What's better than this

Program features:

Ability to enter an unlimited number of draws

Ability to remove one or more draws

Announcement of the last winner

Convenient use space

Fantasy design

with excitement

Post a comment if there is a problem

It will definitely be taken care of

Qorak program

Year of production: 1399_1400

Programmer and Designer: Ali Teymourizadeh

Idea: Ali Reza Ali Nia

Development: Mohammad Teymourizadeh

Email: mohamad.t113@gmail.com

Support ID @nasl_novin_ir

User Reviews - 98 Rates
4.3 from 5
ولی ثنایی خواه
ولی ثنایی خواه
سلام در صورتی لیست و قرعه بین لیست ها انجام شود و نفرات بعد از خارج شدن از نرم افزاز حذف نگردد عالی خواهد بود چون من خودم بین ۲۶ نفر هر ماه باید ۲ نفر را هز قرعه بیرون بیارم و زمانی که خارج می شوم از نرم افزار مجدد باید افراد را وارد کنم
سلام انشالله که همیشه موفق باشید اگراین مطلب را مینوسم نه کسی فکر کند به خاطر قرعه کشی همراه اول بوده خداراشکر وسپاسگرارم که حداقل در روستای دیل ازشهرستان گچساران خانواده هایی مثل ما که پول نداریم وای فای بگیریم یا پارتی بازی کنن که جعبه پر هست فقط به خاطر اینکه آون نفر حاه سه برابر قیمت وای
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