Install +2 K
Category Medical
Size 1 MB
Last Update 2016 May 22
Find Doctors

Find Doctors

گروه برنامه نویسان بچه های ایران
Version v6.0
In-app Purchases
Install +2 K
Category Medical
Size 1 MB
Last Update 2016 May 22
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More Info

Many times problems may come to us because we can not familiar with the location of the nearest doctor or medical center to find a doctor or clinic know the name or address and phone but it's not in this case the best solution doctor finding is .

This program enables advanced Jvstjvy your word to the audience the possibility that the name of the doctor or medical center's name and address ... to search for and specify the area to receive full
Main features:

# Possibility favorites list

# Possible font settings (color, line spacing, etc.)

# Advanced search feature in the program

# Myhyty beautiful, yet efficient and simple

Physician Plan Finder is a comprehensive database of the following groups (Tehran):

# Hospitals (free)

# Clinics (clinic / veterinarian clinic, etc.) (Free)

# Imaging centers (free)

# Academics (free)

# Laboratories (in pay)

# Drvkhanh of (the payment)

# Specialists (Pediatrics (Pediatrics) and infectious and psychiatric and cardiovascular and skin and hair and beauty Moez and nerves (Neurology), etc.) (the payment)

# Surgeons (general surgeon and plastic surgeon heart surgery and surgeon ...) (the payment)

# Inside (an internist and kidney disease and ducts, etc.) (the payment)

# Dentists (tooth and jaw surgery and pediatrics, etc.) (the payment)

All above information has been full address + phone.

If you are happy with patent support us.

And if not satisfied with your comments and suggestions help us to apply the program in the next update.

******* ******* Wishing wellness to all your loved ones

User Reviews - 113 Rates
4.1 from 5
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