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Category Education
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Last Update 2024 December 9
CNC Simulator Lite

CNC Simulator Lite

Virtual Laboratories and Technical Simulators
Version 2.2.4
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Category Education
Size 35 MB
Last Update 2024 December 9
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More Info

A software simulator of a numerical control (CNC) lathe is an educational methodological development intended for basic familiarization of novice machine building specialists with the principles of programming parts turning operations using standard GM code (Fanuc System A).

The basis of the three-dimensional simulation model is a lathe with a classical arrangement of units, equipped with a CNC system, an eight-position turret, a three-jaw chuck, a tailstock, a coolant supply system and other machinery. Material processing is performed on two axes in the horizontal plane.

Field of application of the software product: educational process using computer technology: laboratory lessons of students in computer classes, distance learning, demonstration support of lecture material in the group of areas of training and specialties: «Metallurgy, Engineering and Material Processing».

The functionality of the simulator: preparation of texts of control programs of turning operations in the format of a standard GM code, checking control programs for syntax and technological errors, playing on the computer screen (or other computing device) three-dimensional graphic models of the main components of the lathe machine and metal-cutting tools to simulate the process of turning metal, the three-dimensional visualization of the process of forming parts during turning on the compiled control programs, visualization of toolpaths, implementation of interactive user interaction with the simulation model of technological equipment.

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