file manger pro

file manger pro

Version 1.4
Install +2 K
Category Tools
Size 343 KB
Last Update 2016 September 20
file manger pro

file manger pro

nader dorkhah
Version 1.4
Install +2 K
Category Tools
Size 343 KB
Last Update 2016 September 20
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More Info

Professional file manager program to manage you on your files

The file manager extension of his profession because of its unique capabilities and characteristics of bears.

Sraht can say the most secretive 500 KB file manager available with very low volume (less than a photograph) is.

Extra functionality the file manager

1. The fastest file manager in the world

2 very small (500 KB = half a meg byte)

3. Copy the files and folders card

(4) ability to mark (select group of files to copy, cut or remove

(5) the ability to view hidden files by

6. Ability to create Nyvfvldr (new folder)

7-compress files and folders (zip off)

8-broadcast video footage files

9. Open the image file types (photos)

10. Ability to search the memory (Search up)

11 great user-settings

12. Open the zip file (zip)

13-visibility hidden photos Profile WhatsApp, without talc, cable, online

If a feature considered if you do not find that in the file manager, make sure you contact us and we will do our best to improve this application.

User Reviews - 10 Rates
3.5 from 5
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