Ahoo Calculator

Ahoo Calculator

Version 2.1
Install +500
Category Tools
Size 11 MB
Last Update 2017 May 6
Ahoo Calculator

Ahoo Calculator

ahoo soft
Version 2.1
Install +500
Category Tools
Size 11 MB
Last Update 2017 May 6
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most powerful scientific calculator for android


- first important thing in calculator is precision in calculations. unlike most scientific calculator which have limited precision to ten floating point in ahoocalc you can calculate your formula to whatever floating points you want.
- ability to calculate with real variable.since today in available scientific calculators for android you can not use variable without value , in fact you just can declare constants in this kind of calculators. but ahoosoft proud to announced in ahoocalc you can declare constants and REAL VARIABLES with favorite names. for example x*x=x^2
- ability to write comments and adding picture to any variable. in ahoocalc you can write comment for any declared variable you want and even add image for more details of variable.
- ability to backup . in ahoocalc you can take backup from your variables and calculators history.also you can share this backups to your friends.
- ability to show math formula. in ahoocalc your calculation showing like math formula and you can write and calculate most intricate formula so simplicity in it.
- programmers calculator. we put a calculator in ahoocalc which calculate with different bases (binary , octal , decimal , hexadecimal) and different sizes(byte , word , Dword , Qword) to programmers and other users to use and enjoy it.
- ability to calculate triangle calculations. in ahoocalc you can calculate "Sin Cos Tan Asin Acos Atan Sinh Cosh Tanh Asinh Acosh Atanh" which in addition to calculate real numbers you can use it in complex mode.
- ability to calculate in degree , radian and gradian.
- ability to calculate matrixs calculations. in ahoocalc you can calculate your calculations in matrix mode so easily. in this mode you can calculate" add, subtract ,mull matrixs _ dot mull and dot divide matrixs _ add , subtract ,divide ,mull number or variable to matrix _ determinant ,inverse , transpos " and you can store your matrixs as variables or resize that to your desirable size or get one element of matrix.
- complex mode. in ahoocalc you can calculate in complex mode and you can see your result in complex or polar mode. in ahoocalc you can use triangle functions in complex mode.
- ability to plot graphs.in ahoocalc you can plot 2d charts and save it so easily.
- random number. in ahoocalc you can use random number with minimum and maximum declared by by you.
- percent calculations %.
- ability to customize standard page keys. in ahoocalc you can customize your favorite keys in standard page.


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