euro club

euro club

Version v5.0.1
In-app Purchases
Install +100
Category Sports
Size 19 MB
Last Update 2016 May 14
euro club

euro club

Number 8
Version v5.0.1
In-app Purchases
Install +100
Category Sports
Size 19 MB
Last Update 2016 May 14
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More Info

The euro's club program for those interested in European leagues and clubs. The program is to familiarize you with favorite teams and leagues, and other information related to the history and achievements known and popular clubs as well as lesser-known clubs in Europe Learn more.

Statistics Number of inspection teams of any league in the program:


Premier League 20 team

Spain La Liga 20 teams

18 German Bundesliga team

20 Italy Serie A teams

France 20 team league (Lvshampyvnh)

Turkish Super League 18 teams

League One Portugal 18 teams

15 teams from a total of 18 Dutch Eredivisie League

Russian Premier League top 9 teams from a total of 16 team league

Ukrainian Premier League 8 teams from a total of 14 team league

Super League Greece 6 teams from a total of 14 team league

Premier League Belgium 8 teams from a total of 16 team league

Premier League Sweden 7 teams from a total of 16 team league

Swiss Super League 5 teams from a total of 10 team league

Top 5 teams of 10 Austrian Bundesliga League

Scottish Premier League 7 teams from a total of 12 team league

Premier League Czech Republic top 10 of a total of 16 team league

Croatia 3 teams from a total of 10 League Division One

Super League teams from a total of 14 league Denmark 2

Premier League Norway 2 teams from a total of 16 team league

Premier League teams from a total of 12 league Finland 1

Super League Serbia two teams from a total of 16 team league

League Bulgaria 3 teams from a total of 16 team league

Cyprus First Division Premier League 1 team of 14 team league

The first Premier League team of 10 team league Slovenia 1

Premier League First Division Romania 2 teams of 18 League

Belarusian Premier League 1 team of 12 team league

Total entire league: 27 League
The total number of teams: 232 teams

User Reviews - 2 Rates
3.5 from 5
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