Hide Photos, Videos:Calculator

Hide Photos, Videos:Calculator

Version 14.0
Install +1 K
Category Education
Size 18 MB
Last Update 2024 September 13
Hide Photos, Videos:Calculator

Hide Photos, Videos:Calculator

Photo Video Vault
Version 14.0
Install +1 K
Category Education
Size 18 MB
Last Update 2024 September 13
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More Info

Calculator is a secret, secure and capable privacy protection vault app to hide pictures, hide videos & hide files within gallery photo vault that is hidden behind secret calculator photo hider. Enjoy most powerful features like cloud backup, private video browser.

It uses advanced AES encryption security to lock & unlock files in Realtime to provide maximum safety when you hide pictures and private files.

Top Features

✔ Hide all types of files: You can hide photos and videos that has hidden gallery. Very easy to hide audio, hide note and all other important documents.

✔ Secret Gallery Locker: You can only open private gallery photo vault with password or fingerprint lock (for supported devices). Easily keep photos safe in photo vault and videos in video vault.

✔ Double safety Folders: Set password for particular folder inside your vault and set Cover option for customization. Folders lock option gives double protection when you hide pictures.

✔ Incognito Private Browser: An inbuilt private browser for safe browsing of private websites and download and hide photos, download videos and audio from web and lock instantly inside the vault and leaves no traces.

✔ Data loss prevention (Cloud Backup): Backup your encrypted contacts, files, photos and videos to the drive storage so they never get lost. Sync with multiple phones & tablets in Realtime. It is recommended to always use cloud backup when you hide important pictures. They remain encrypted into the drive so you would be worry free.

✔ Device Migration: Transfer files from old phone to new phone/tablet easily by scanning QR code using same Wi-Fi or hotspot connection.

✔ Offline Backup: You can take a backup of your entire vault in a single bundle file and transfer it into alternate storage device and whenever you want to restore the files, Transfer back into the phone and select Restore option in Backup & Restore settings inside our locker. Backup file is safely encrypted with strong security and can be only restored by you.

✔ File Transfer from Computer: Easily upload contents such as photos, videos, documents and other files from personal computer to the secret locker in the phone over Wi-Fi or hotspot connection. No data will be used for the transfer so it shall perform rapidly.

✔ Decoy locker: This smart calculator app allows to create an alternate password to show duplicate vault space in extreme cases when you need to open this app in front of someone.

✔ Direct Sharing: Share your hidden files from the locker easily to the social apps whenever you needed.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I get my data back if I reinstall the app?
A: Yes. Install this calculator app vault again. When you had cloud backup with this app, then it is also another option available for you.

Q: If I forgot my password?
A: Type 11223344 then press = button in this app to open password recovery options.

For more frequently asked questions, visit below link: https://cavebrowser.com/calculator/faq.php

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