Baby Care

Baby Care

Version 1.2
3000 Tomans
Install +500
Category Medical
Size 2 MB
Last Update 2015 October 28
Baby Care

Baby Care

Badban Dev Studio
Version 1.2
3000 Tomans
Install +500
Category Medical
Size 2 MB
Last Update 2015 October 28
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More Info

Knowledge about healthy growth of newborns, always with you
     Parents who have recently had a child are completely familiar with health cards which given to them in hospitals. And they also know that the height, weight and head circumference of babies should be measured monthly and be registered in the related charts so that they ensure about healthy growth of their babies. 
Baby Care Application will do all these activities for you and is always with you to be accessible when necessary. 
The main features and applications:

-    Draw all growth charts 
-    Calculate and determine the date of vaccination 
-    monthly behavioral symptoms of babies 
-    contain a diary to record baby memories 

In addition to the possibility of drawing all growth charts, this application is able to calculate the all vaccination dates , which helps to the health and on time vaccination of your baby.
All parents will see some memorable behaviors and actions that will be done by their beloved children for the first time; by this baby care application they can record all of them by inserting photo and explanation on related date. 
In the part of behavioral symptoms of babies, you can be aware of your baby’s monthly behavioral evolution.
All information and numbers of charts are retrieved from The World Health Organization

 In this application, SamySoft group set their goals to quality, efficiency and ease of use and hope to satisfy all users. 
You can send all your critics and suggestions about this application for us by email and help us to design new facilities for this application.    



keyword :

baby Care , my baby , new baby

User Reviews - 23 Rates
3.6 from 5
برنامه خیلی خوبیه فقط یک ایراد داره که وقتی میخوم برای برنامه تصویر نوزادم رو بگذارم از برنامه خارج میشه و تصویری نشون نمیده
برنامه خوبی هست ولی مرتب از برنامه خارج میشه اگرممکن مشکلش برطرف کنید ممنون میشم
برنامه خوبی هست اما از،برنامه خارج میشه و هنگ میکنه لطفا رسیدگی کنید