

Version 1.0
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Category Religious
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Last Update 2016 March 8


Narvan Soft
Version 1.0
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Category Religious
Size 3 MB
Last Update 2016 March 8
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✔ Set your life on the frequency of the Qur'an!
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Internal cleansing, features believer, repentance, inspection and surveillance, the Hajj, the wisdom of the Koran, sign deeds, neighbors, learn special blessings, rights of people, day and its benefits, rumors, treasury, prayer and chase, party and iftar, extravagance and frugality, veils, lies, Imam Mahdi (AS), the Night of Destiny and fate, Friday, Wahhabism, concealment, fortieth, marriage, ornament and self-assembly, the duties of parents, superstition, ridicule, isolation, criticism, entrepreneurship and public service, question and its rules, obsessive compulsive disorder and its treatment, envy and jealousy, patience, zeal, honor, gossip, self-control, Philosophy, Women portfolio, will, heaven and hell, Business Working in the Quran, fix, remember death, suspicion, sustenance, disrespect, longevity, visit the community, the family court, the duties of men and women in the family, divine intervention, divine, good sequel, the intentions and motives in the works, Ways to win the love of others, a married ceremony, the importance of prayer on the Night of Destiny, Tales of the Qur'an, the Devil's influence, visiting, customs and traditions of prayer in the Holy Quran, Quran verses and short key, step by step guilt, not skill say against sin, educational practices, forgiveness, loan, practice conversation and debate the benefits of charity to others, messianic status, virtue, religion and the need for religion, recreation in Islam, the Koran and wealth

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