This app is special for hairdressers and salons, the work done by most hairdressers in their salon, which makes their work a little easier.
Features include:
- The home page contains the income summary, cost, customer number of the day
- Registering colleagues working in your salon
- Customer registration (visit date, customer name, cost, provided services, payment type, barber name) and display in the list of clients with the ability to delete, edit and filter the view.
- Registration fee (date, fee, amount, type of payment, person, description) and display in the list of fees with the ability to delete and edit and filter the view.
- Income calculation: By choosing the name of the hairdresser or the desired date, you can see net income, total income, customer number
- Settings: include password change, security question setup for your password forgetting time, manage (remove and add hairdressers), manage (remove and add hall services), backup and restore information, contact us
(Please send us an email if you see a problem in the app or suggestions for more and better performance.)