By Mani Ban Application You can easily make your purchases by using your credit from our numerous recipients including Resturants , Coffeshops and Sports club.
The Intelligent Search Engine of App will show you the nearest recipients Quickly.
By Secured payment through Mani Ban App , You will no longer need to carry any Debit card or money.
In Addition, with the return on Credit (Payback feature) for each transaction and the allocation of special privileges for each purchase, the distinctive and unique services awaits you as a member of the loyal club of Mani Ban.
Some of the Mani Ban App features:
• Easy and Secure mobile payment
• Access to diverse recipients
• Cashback and Return percentage of purchase feature for members
• Gain points for each purchase
• Reducing purchase’s cost
• Intelligent Search Engine
• Recharging your Sim Card by Mani Ban Credit