شناسایی زبان
ترجمه متن یا صفحهٔ وب
از محدودیت نویسهها فراتر رفتید
متن یا آدرس وب سایتی را تایپ کنید یا سندی را ترجمه کنید.
ترجمه بیشتر
Unrivaled software for working with gps phones with many features and applications including:
Displays geo-coordinates in three ways (degrees and degrees_second_seconds and utm in the data tab)
Calculate the coordinates of each city or place only using the name of that city and location
Calculate the land area without using the internet and only by gps in the area header
Ability to navigate and capture different locations relative to your location and distance by using geographical coordinates and the names of cities and places in both manual and smart modes (on the compass)
Calculate and display the speed of motion in digital and analog (in the speed tab)
The direct distance between two points is by inserting manual and automatic points (in the distance tab)
Converts geographic coordinates from degree to utm
Distance and travel time
Measure Coordinates and Geolocation (Latitude and Longitude)
Measurement of altitude from the sea level
Share location
Access google map
Compass and direction finder
Getting screenshots from the page with just one button
Comes with a very stylish, high-quality interface and very easy to use
Access to the Internet is required to reach the coordinates of different places by name.