The "Gholleh" application is a multi-purpose app in the fields of mountains, tourism, weather, and a comprehensive encyclopedia of information required by users in various domains. In this application, you can easily choose your mountain tourism destination, city, or desired village and stay informed with comprehensive information about the route and weather of that area. The "Gholleh" app is the first to use artificial intelligence for weather prediction in various locations in Iran. Additionally, it is the world's first app to analyze and convert weather data into predictions using artificial intelligence. It provides users with predictions, alerts, notifications, and necessary recommendations based on available information.
Encyclopedia of Tourism in Iran
Mountain Weather
Tourism Weather
Tourism Map of Iran
Weather of Iranian Cities
Weather of Iranian Villages
Unique Articles and Online Magazine
Mountain Map
Mountain Information
User Profile and Tourism
In the "Gholleh" app, you can have complete resources of mountain information, including mountain descriptions, hiking trail maps, and mountain weather. The program displays weather and tourism information at the nearest point using the user's location, accessible through mobile access, providing comprehensive information in the fields of weather and tourist areas to the user.
#MountainWeather #UrbanWeather #Tourism #TravelGuide #MountainGuide