Cafe Zaban - Learn with Teacher

Cafe Zaban - Learn with Teacher

Version 1.7.0
In-app Purchases
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Category Education
Size 14 MB
Last Update 2025 February 26
Cafe Zaban - Learn with Teacher

Cafe Zaban - Learn with Teacher

WebCore Group
Version 1.7.0
In-app Purchases
Install +10 K
Category Education
Size 14 MB
Last Update 2025 February 26
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Duolingo, in its official version, bases the instruction for most languages on more widely used languages (especially English). This approach can pose difficulties for many Persian speakers who do not have a strong command of English. For instance, when learning a new language such as French or German, they encounter problems because the software teaches the target language through English and does not support Persian as a source language.

The “Haste Web Iranian” group has attempted to remove this barrier by releasing an unofficial version of Duolingo. In this version, the base language of instruction is Persian instead of English. Consequently, Persian-speaking users can begin learning other languages directly from Persian without needing proficiency in English. It is said that this unofficial version retains all the features of the original Duolingo, with the only major difference being the change of the source language to Persian.

Some of the features and characteristics of this unofficial version of Duolingo provided by the Haste Web Iranian group include:

Persian as the Source Language:
Users can learn target languages (such as French, German, etc.) through Persian, without needing to master English first.
Maintaining Duolingo’s Educational Structure:
A variety of courses, diverse practice sections, end-of-lesson tests, and a gradual, interactive learning system remain available, just as in the official version.

Key Capabilities Remain Active:
Features such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises in the target language, along with interactive, game-like activities, are fully functional.

Persian User Interface:
Menus, settings, lesson explanations, and grammar notes are translated into Persian, providing a simpler user experience for Persian speakers.

No Need for an Intermediary Language (English):
Lesson content, translations, and grammar explanations are provided directly from Persian to the target language.

Preserving Duolingo’s Gamification Style:
The scoring system, badges, and regular reminders to encourage learning continuity remain intact, just like in the official version.

Expanding the Range of Target Languages:
It is possible to add courses for various languages and update the lesson content for users interested in learning a wide range of languages.

User Reviews - 87 Rates
3.7 from 5
دو ستاره میدم چون اصلی ترین زبان که انگلیسی و عربی رو پشتیبانی نمیکنه و رفته اسپانیایی و فرانسوی و ترکی و آلمانی گذاشته اولین اولویت باید انگلیسی باشه بعد زبان های متفرقه و اصلا درس ها رو درست پاسخ می دیم نمیره درس بعدی باز همون تکرار میشه
متاسفانه بعد از ۳ روز کار کردن اصلا ایده ال نیست و بعد از اتمام یه دوره برنامه عمل نمیکنه و جالبه توی این مدت من موفق شدم فقط ۳ باز وارد برنامه بشم چون همش خطای سرور رو میده میتونست خوب باشه اما نه پیشنهاد نمیکنم .
برای زبان آلمانی خربد هم انجام دادم اما فقط درس اول رو تکرار میکنه و مرحله بعد نمیره