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52 نویسه بیشتر از مقدار حداکثر 5000 :
ترجمه بیشتر
With the help of this program you can easily convert your video clips into audio files
This program is one of the fastest and most convenient video audio extractor program.
This feature is included in the program to select part of the video file and convert it to an audio file.
Features and features of the program:
- A beautiful and user-friendly environment
- Quick and immediate conversion
- Has separate file manager for searching video files
- Ability to convert MP3 and Wav audio files
- Select 8Kbit audio file speed
- Select the type of Mono and Stereo channels
- Video file preview
- Display start and end times
- Select a part of the video and convert that part to an audio file
- Ability to share audio file
- Ability to rename and play the converted file
- Possibility to insert the audio file as a bell
- Ability to insert the cover for audio files and edit its tags (title, album, artist)
- Set the file storage folder
- Displays the rate of conversion of the format in the NetFix
- Convert file format with just one touch on the screen