Python training in 24 sessions

Python training in 24 sessions

Version v1
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Category Education
Size 13 MB
Last Update 2023 June 20
Python training in 24 sessions

Python training in 24 sessions

ghoghnoos soft
Version v1
In-app Purchases
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Category Education
Size 13 MB
Last Update 2023 June 20
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Step by step Python training in 24 sessions from beginner to advanced

Along with examples and the possibility of copying and sharing Python programming codes

Session 1: Introduction to Python

- Introducing Python and its benefits

- Installing Python and development environment (IDE)

- Python program structure and basic functions

Session 2: Variables and data types

- Variables and variable naming

- Data types including numbers, strings, lists and dictionaries

- How to work with this type of data

Session 3: Conditional expressions

- If and else conditional statements

- Comparison operators

- Multiple conditional statements

Session 4: Circles

- while loop

- for loop

- Loop operators

Session 5: Functions

- Definition and use of functions

- Functions with parameters

- Return value from functions

Session 6: Modules

- Module concept

- How to write and use modules

- Standard Python modules

Session 7: Fields

Strings and string operations

- String formatting

- String operations on files

Session 8: Lists

- Lists and list operations

- Sorting and searching in lists

- Nested lists and multidimensional lists

Session 9: Dictionaries

- Dictionaries and dictionary operations

- Sorting and searching operations in dictionaries

- Nested dictionaries

Session 10: Class definition

- Concepts of objectivity

- Class definition and how to use it

- Class methods and properties

Session 11: Heredity

- Concepts of inheritance

- Definition of inheritable classes

- Using class features and inherited methods

Session 12: Advanced modules

- Writing advanced modules

- New modules added in Python 3

- External modules and their installation using pip

Session 13: Processing files

- Open files in Python

- Reading and writing files

- Managing files and browsing directories

Session 14: Errors and exceptions

- The concept of errors and how to control them

- Exceptions and how to work with them

- Write code carefully to avoid errors and exceptions

Session 15: Working with databases

- Introducing databases and SQL

- Using SQLite database in Python

- How to create and manage tables in the database

Session 16: Web services

- Introducing web services and REST API

- Using the requests library to receive data from web services

- JSON and XML data processing

Session 17: Web Scripting with Flask

- Introducing the Flask framework for web application development

- Defining routes and pages in Flask

- How to send and receive data in Flask

Session 18: Web Scripting with Django

- Introducing the Django framework for web application development

- Defining models and creating tables in Django

- How to create routes and pages in Django

Session 19: Network programming

- Introducing network protocols including TCP and UDP

- Using the socket library in Python to send and receive data from the network

- How to create server and client in Python

Session 20: Multi-threaded programming

- Introducing the concept of multithreading and how to use it in Python

- Using the threading library to create threads

- How to create multiple threads and coordinate between them

Session 21: GUI programming with Tkinter

- Introducing the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface

- Defining and using GUI components such as buttons, labels and input forms

- How to create a complete GUI application in Python

Session 22: Programming with Pygame

- Introducing the Pygame library for developing computer games

- How to create layouts, images and sounds in Pygame

- How to create a simple game in Pygame


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