My GreenHouse

My GreenHouse

Version 1.0
Install +1 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 3 MB
Last Update 2018 December 17
My GreenHouse

My GreenHouse

My GreenHouse
Version 1.0
Install +1 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 3 MB
Last Update 2018 December 17
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More Info

 Flowers and plants are like children.

Soft, beautiful and sensitive.

It's not easy to take care of them, just like taking care of kids.

Irrigation is the first requirement which they need to grow.

Proper nutrition at the right time is another important factor in their growth and freshness and beauty.

"My Greenhouse" app is designed to keep your flowers and plants much better.

In the first version of this app, there are reminders for irrigation and fertilization.

It is hoped that by getting your points of view, suggestions and your great value

criticisms the next version will have more and more features and will continue to be available for free to everyone. 

Please help us to improve this app for as good as keeping your flower and plant houses. 

thanks for your choice

Apkadeh  Programming Group

User Reviews - 17 Rates
4.6 from 5
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اگه بتونید لیستی از انواع گلها با نور دهی و ماه های مختلف سال قرار بدید که هرکسی با انتخاب این موارد و ریتمیک آبیاری کنه و مشکلی برای گلها ایجاد نشه
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