J-crosswords by renshuu

J-crosswords by renshuu

Version ۱.۱۰.۳
نصب +۱۰
Category کلمات و دانستنی‌ها
Size ۱۰۸ مگابایت
Last Update ۱۲ خرداد ۱۴۰۳
J-crosswords by renshuu

J-crosswords by renshuu

Version ۱.۱۰.۳
نصب +۱۰
Category کلمات و دانستنی‌ها
Size ۱۰۸ مگابایت
Last Update ۱۲ خرداد ۱۴۰۳
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More Info

Enjoy Japanese crosswords and let them help you to study over 9,000 different Japanese words, broken up by level and textbook.

* NO Advertisements, NO timers, NO stamina system *

* Play the way you'd like *
- Drag and drop for keyboard-free play
- Keyboard input available, even if you don't have Japanese input on your device

* Tons of puzzles *
- Over 300 free puzzles, with over 1,500 more for paid users!

* Play at your level *
- Vocabulary categorized from beginner (JLPT N5) up to advanced (JLPT N1)
- Lists available for Genki, Tobira, Minna, and other popular Japanese textbooks

* Learn as you play *
- Vocabulary lists let you track how many words you've used in each category.

* Unlock hand-drawn scenes from Japan as you solve puzzles! *

* Full interface and clues for English, German, French, Dutch, and Spanish *

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