Snake Game 1991

Snake Game 1991

Version 5.0
Install +20 K
Category Action
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2024 September 4
Snake Game 1991

Snake Game 1991

Minh Thông
Version 5.0
Install +20 K
Category Action
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2024 September 4
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More Info

We introduce you to a game of sticking one's childhood that Xenzia game snack. The original Snake was invented many years ago (1974) by a Russian developer and then became the most played arcade game on mobile for decades. It is also called "yılan", "ثعبان", "งู", "스네 크 크", "مار", "ネ", "贪吃蛇", "naming", "ее

When I was in high school, xenzia snack game with simple and interesting gameplay, fascinated by skillfully controlling the snake to overcome obstacles and eat food to increase the score. It creates a wave of gaming emulating high scores among players.

Later, as technology became more and more advanced and modern, the xenzia snack game was gradually forgotten and replaced with more modern games.

In order for everyone to experience the classic Snack xenzia game again, I tried to remake it on smart, touch mobile devices.

Let's experience the past in the present with Snake Xenzia Retro Rewind

Remember the highest score you had ever achieved on Snake Xenzia?
Then DOWNLOAD the game now and play it right away !!

User Reviews - 128 Rates
4.3 from 5
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