Exbito | Cryptocurrency Exchange

Exbito | Cryptocurrency Exchange

Version 2.1.3
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Category Finance
Size 39 MB
Last Update 2024 May 5
Exbito | Cryptocurrency Exchange

Exbito | Cryptocurrency Exchange

Version 2.1.3
Install +50 K
Category Finance
Size 39 MB
Last Update 2024 May 5
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More Info

Exbito is an online knowledge-based peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading platform in Iran that provides users with countless features.

Users in Exbito can trade more than 60 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Tether Cash (USDT), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Thron (TRX), Chainlink (Link), Cardano (ADA), Uniswap, Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), DIA, Binance coin (BNB), Polkadot (DOT), Stellar (XLM), etc.

Secure Exbito Wallet

Exbito Wallet enables users to securely hold all types of cryptocurrencies. As a maximum security wallet, it is backed by the vast experience of its developer team. Safe Exbito Wallets are available in various networks offering a variety of security features.

Secure Exbito Wallet Features

Depositing and withdrawing into users’ private wallets all over the world

·       Separate deposit/withdrawal logs for the wallet

·       24/7 Deposit and withdrawal in IRR

·       Asset sum display in three currencies(IRR, USDT, and BTC)

·       Crypto purchase from wallet section

·       Better security with two-factor authentication (SMS and 2FA) for withdrawal requests

·       Coin/Crypto search in Persian and English

·       Transparent transactions with access to clear commissions, account balance, and user trade volume

·       Hide/View Assets feature for better security


Trade Cryptocurrency

Exbito cryptocurrency trading markets are world-class level and render services concordant with the global markets. Two types of markets are provided in Exbito:


Exbito Markets: Trading cryptocurrencies with IRR.

Global Markets: Trading cryptocurrencies with Tether.


Exbito Exchange Properties


·       Selecting the type of market (Exbito Market, Global Market) by the user

·       Trading cryptocurrencies at the best prices

·       Providing the favorite markets for user’s access

·       Searching in different markets and cryptocurrencies in Persian and English

·       Displaying the 24-hour changes of the market at a glance

·       Ordering markets based on volume, trading pairs, price, and 24-hour changes

·       Using analysis tools (indicator, time frame, transaction volume, etc.) at Android platform to examine the traders

·       Displaying HOLC (the highest price, lowest price, candle's opening and closing price) for optimal use of the analysts

·       Sharing the analysis with other friends and families in social networks

·       Using market depth to investigate the amount of orders in the market

·       Categorizing markets on the basis of user’s trades

·       Checking the latest cryptocurrency trades and information all over the world

·       Trading as limit and instant execution

·       Selecting the percentage of assets at the time of purchase or sale orders

Trade Cryptocurrency with Instant Converting

·       The users can convert cryptocurrencies instantly in case the users want to trade cryptocurrencies fast and they can also carry out instant trades after depositing into or withdrawing from their wallet.

Instant Convert Properties in Exbito

·       Fast convert of a digital asset with specific volume per day into target asset

·       Checking cryptocurrency pair balance at instant convert page

·       Checking the purchase and sale price before converting and confirming by the user

·       Instant converting and checking the assets in the wallet after carrying out the convert

Exbito Cryptocurrency exchange is seeking to provide the best services and the best quality by supplying the distinguished features therefore it offers the following features.


Unique Properties of Exbito Cryptocurrency Exchange



1. A knowledge-based complex developed by the top elites of the best universities in Tehran

2. Over 10 years of experience in the Blockchain and FinTech in Iran, as well as offering disparate solutions for development by the founders

3. Optimized for all mobile phone, desktop, and Android platforms to increase user’s access 

4. 24/7 support and master even on holidays (online chat, ticket, mail, phone)

5. Enables earning income and invite friends without carrying out a trade and participation in the commission of inviting friends

6. Provides various types of cryptocurrencies in the highest quality and security due to over a decade of experience

7. Provides instant and simple round-the-clock authentication

8. Offers private settings for each user’s optimal use

11. Enables checking the analysis chart and tools for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies used for several years

12. Consistent improvement and development using user’s comments in a knowledge-based team

13. Uses OTP mail and SMS security tools to improve account security

 Increasing user’s security via 2AF

15. Uses PIN Code at Android applications to increase account security

16. Disparate and interesting dashboard for users’ use

17. Online deposit and withdrawal of cryptocurrencies 24/7 and on holidays

 18. Enables personalizing the language and theme

19. Provides the user levels and increases the trades as well as reducing the commission in users’ trades

20. Instant and simple authentication to use features of the application and website


Best Wishes


Contact Exbito:


Website: https://exbito.com/

Email: Info@exbito.com



Instagram: https://instagram.com/exbitomarket1

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