Home Workouts

Home Workouts

Version 7.12.2
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Category Health & Fitness
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2020 July 10
Home Workouts

Home Workouts

MoviliXa SAS
Version 7.12.2
Install +5 K
Category Health & Fitness
Size 12 MB
Last Update 2020 July 10
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More Info

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle because it prevents health problems, develops resistance, provides more energy and helps to reduce stress.

With our application you can get your body in great shape without using any expensive machine. You can do exercise anywhere you wish, no equipment needed.

With text to speech engine included, you can perform the entire routine without interrupting the exercise. Additionally you can activate a sound guide per second for best rhythm in the exercises.

Each exercise contains an illustrative details to facilitate their execution. It has warm-up workout and final stretch workout to improve training results.

Additionally, we have the option to create personalized routines and keep track of your weight and body mass index.

We have compiled the best routines, made by professionals, so you can do them in the comfort of your home. Some of the routines are the following:

* Seven minutes
* Abs in 5 minutes
* Legs and buttocks
* Strengthen your body

You can also track the workouts on a calendar and create alarms for the days and hours you want to carry out a training program.

The exercises are divided into sections so that you can detail and practice them individually.

Before starting your routine remember:

Ask your doctor to let you know the best exercise for your physical condition.
Get hydrated before, during and after physical exercise.
Perform a warm-up of 15 minutes, to avoid muscle injuries.
Perform 10 minutes of stretching, after finishing your exercise routine.

User Reviews - 231 Rates
4.6 from 5
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یعنی دان نکنی از دستت رفته من خودم تمریناتشو همونجور که گفته بود انجام دادم الان هیکلم رو فرمه بازو هام دراومده سیکس بکس ها هم در اومده.
اگه فارسی داشت دیگه عالی بود الانم خوبه اما اونقدر انگلیسی قوی نیست که بتونم بخونم من هر برنامه ای میرم مربوط به ورزش همه نوشتن ۱۳سالشونه😂