burse Fundamental

burse Fundamental

Version 1.8.1
Install +2 K
Category Finance
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2020 December 29
burse Fundamental

burse Fundamental

Arj Economic Finance Group
Version 1.8.1
Install +2 K
Category Finance
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2020 December 29
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More Info

With the "Bourse Foundation" application, the foundation of all stock exchange companies and hours of free video training are at your disposal.
Features of the basic stock application:
Artificial intelligence fundamental analysis for the first time in Iran Technical analysis of financial markets on a daily and weekly basis Hours of free training from financial markets (stock exchange, forex, digital currency, gold) Online support and answers to companion questions One of the main problems that investors face is the fundamental examination of the companies they want to invest in. For the first time in Iran, Arj Investment Economic Group has developed an application that easily provides a fundamental analysis of your companies using artificial intelligence. You no longer need to see the basic tutorials because we have done this for you by considering different modes, basic formulas and comprehensive and practical analysis. This is an artificial intelligence and hours of technical training and analysis for you
Version 1.8.1 changes: Improved application training Improve program speed Improve application performance

User Reviews - 13 Rates
3.9 from 5
سلام . دسترسی به مکالمات و مخاطبین تلفن برای چیست ؟ این برنامه چه نیازی به این دسترسی و اجازه تماس تلفنی دارد ؟؟؟
کبوتر حرم
کبوتر حرم
میگم خسته نشدید این برنامه رو درست کردید شما تعریف هوش مصنوعی رو کلا متحول کردید عجب هوشی که خودم همه اطلاعات دونه دونه از داخل کدال باید در بیارم واردش کنم تا ایشون یه جمع و تفریق ساده بکنه یه عدد بهم بده بیشتر ماشین حسابه تا هوش مصنوعی ما اینقدر وقت داشتیم زحمت به شما نمیدادیم
ا د
ا د
دسترسی به مخاطبین یعنی چه یه حساب وکتابه به شمارههای ما چه کار دارید حالا به رم وفایل ها اره ولی مخاطبین نه