ee Fighter Jets

ee Fighter Jets

Version ۱.۰
نصب <۱۰
Category اکشن
Size ۱ مگابایت
Last Update ۱۰ آبان ۱۴۰۲
ee Fighter Jets

ee Fighter Jets

Retep Civorodot
Version ۱.۰
نصب <۱۰
Category اکشن
Size ۱ مگابایت
Last Update ۱۰ آبان ۱۴۰۲
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More Info

In 3D - Pilot a Plane to shoot Enemy Planes and Runners.

This game app challenges you to move a Plane through a dynamic and exciting obstacle course. The objective is to score as many points as possible by shooting Enemy Planes, Runners, and Houses while avoiding Enemy Aircraft Missiles trying to stop you.

The App challenges you to strike a balance between trying to maximize points earned by shooting the enemy versus minimizing risk by exposing the Plane to attack by enemy missiles.

Points are added each time an Enemy Plane, Runner, or House is hit by the Plane.

Plane Movement:
- tilting the device controls the left / right position of the plane..
- swiping up / down temporarily adjusts the plane's altitude higher / lower respectively. A longer finger swipe upwards puts the plane into a loop.
- swiping sideways puts the plane into a roll
- tapping the Arrow icon in the lower right shots a missile

Each run in a series becomes faster to increase the challenge.

The initial app version is free without advertising, but advertising will be added to the app in the near future.

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