Passing the law notary exam

Passing the law notary exam

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Last Update 2024 April 2
Passing the law notary exam

Passing the law notary exam

Version v3.7
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Category Education
Size 11 MB
Last Update 2024 April 2
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Note: According to the new law (facilitating the issuance of certain business licenses), which was recently approved, the notary exam of official documents is held every year, and as a result, the notary exam will definitely be held in 1401, and there should not be a pure opportunity to pass this exam.  missed the test, so stay tuned

✳ How to pass the notarial exam of official documents ✳

❗Do you know how to pass the notarial exam?!

❗ Do you know what you should read to pass this exam and in limited time?!

Assuming you have read all the sources, do you know anything about testing techniques?!

❗ Do you know that not paying attention to some points (such as testing techniques and appropriate resources, etc.) has sometimes caused even people who have a good academic load to fail the legal exams?!

🔎 In this program, an attempt has been made to present a series of techniques, advices and methods such as how to study purposefully and answer your frequently asked questions, successful testing and suggested resources, etc., so that you, dear friends, can prepare for the notary public exam.  Get the necessary official documents, preparation and success.

So prepare yourself for the notary public exam as soon as possible...

Some titles of this program:

✔️ The resources for the notarial examination of official documents are completely up-to-date and according to the year 1400

✔️ The most questionable and most important parts of each lesson for study priority and to avoid wasting time.

✔️ 11 rounds of (questions) notarial notarial exams from previous years until 1997 along with (answers)

✔️ Along with the best brochure for registration rights in full color and diagram on 145 pages.  (very practical and useful and simple and fluent)

And answers to many of your doubts regarding this exam and many other practical materials...


key words:

The source of the notarial notarial exam - the application to pass the notarial notarial exam 1400 - guaranteed sources of acceptance in the notarial notarial exam 1400 - points to guarantee the acceptance of notarial notarial exams - the conditions of the notarial notarial exam 1400 - the new conditions and resources of the notarial notarial exam 1400 - passing advice and  1400 notarial exam conditions - resources for the notarial office exam of the registration organization - special registration rights resources for the notarial notarial exam - new regulations of the notarial office law - 1400 notarial exam resources - coefficients of the 1400 notarial exam materials - special resources for the 1400 notarial exam - Android program  How to pass the 1400 notarial notary exam - Become a notary public - 1400 notary conditions - Detailed advice on accepting the notarial notarial exam - Passing the attorney and judgment exam - Guaranteed resources for the notarial exam - Professional resource for the 1400 notarial and notarial exam - Passing within three months  In the notarial examination of official documents

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سلام،باتشکر از تهیه کنندگان وگردآوران این مجموعه،به نظرمن این برنامه خیلی خیلی بدرد دانشجوهایی میخوره که فارغ التحصیل شدندومثل الان من اولین باره که میخوان تو یه آزمون حقوقی شرکت کنندوازقضا آزمون سردفتری هم اواین آزمون حقوقی شون هست!چرا؟چونکه مثل من پایه صفرحساب میشندوخودمن هیچی نمیدونستم!گیچ ومنگ !
عرض سلام و ادب، بنده نصبش کردم و تو هر قسمتش محتوای بدرد بخوری داشت و در کل ارزششو داشت و واقعا برای راهنمایی و مشاوره مفید بود و علاوه بر مطالبِ عالیِ این برنامه، در جهت اینکه وقتمون صرف مطالب مهمتر بشه، طبیعتا بخشی هم به مطالعه خودمون بر می گرده، سپاس.
اینکه سوال خیز ترین قوانین رو واسه (سردفتری) گفته عالیه، من وقت خوندن همه رو نداشتم اما اینجوری می تونم فقط مهمترینارو بخونم، جزوشم اصلا حرف نداشت و خیلی معرکه بود و تو ثبت و درس معارف، مطالعم خیلی راحتتر شد، اون مطالب شیوه مطالعشم بنظرم وااااق کارسازه و یجورایی دیگه می دونم که باید چطور عالی بخونم.