Stock Exchange Robot

Stock Exchange Robot

Version 3.4.12
84,000 Tomans
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 2 MB
Last Update 2023 December 31
Stock Exchange Robot

Stock Exchange Robot

Version 3.4.12
84,000 Tomans
Install +100
Category Tools
Size 2 MB
Last Update 2023 December 31
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More Info

One of the problems of stock traders is the inability to enter a share in the buying queue and the inability to exit the share in the selling queue.

This software (robot), which is for Android phones and tablets (Android 7 and above) can increase your chances of typing (ie your chances of being in the sales queues, more than before).  Gains a better position (because it is able to automatically click on the option to buy or sell orders every 2 seconds.

💠 Even the language of the robot is Persian and working with it is like drinking water!

However, for your convenience, this robot comes with (pdf file of the video tutorial on how to use it). In this tutorial, we have taught you how to use this robot in a completely visual and step-by-step manner in Persian.  Easy to use on your phone.

After purchasing the above robot, its video training file can be downloaded from inside the robot itself and from the (training of this robot) section.

** Note: This program only increases your chances of gaining a better position in the queues than before and is not a 100% guarantee for buying or selling.

* With the ability to adjust the speed of the software.

In order to increase your chances of typing more effectively, in addition to this software, you need a high-speed Internet as well as a brochure without a hangar (our software + high-speed internet + a hangar without a hangar) All of this in turn  They are better at heading, and if they are together, the robot's power goes up.

مثل (Like participating in the entrance exam, for example, you must have both a test book and regular study and participation in mock exams, but still observing all these items is not a guarantee of success in the entrance exam!)

You increase the power of the software by having a high speed internet (with low ping) and a secluded and bad Hong Kong brokerage.  (Although we made good headlines even with the normal internet of the phone and with the same robot) 😎


🤔 Reasons for failure to buy or sell stocks, in the above heavy queues:

- Do not use the headline robot at the beginning of the pre-opening hour and several thousand people in line, being behind!

-Crowding and regression of the brokerage

- Your internet speed is low

- Low number of share transactions

💠 Friends, halal and haram and your satisfaction is very important to us, so from all friends who encountered problems in any way and ... Please be sure to contact us by email (support and response as soon as possible)


طبق According to the stock exchange law, please observe the restrictions on sending orders (maximum 3 clicks per 1 second) while using the robot, so friends who do not comply with the necessary restrictions are responsible for it (do not worry in this regard because  The necessary tutorials in simple language and video are provided for you in the free pdf file inside the robot itself.

There may also be other robots in this field, but the difference between our robot is that it comes with a pdf video tutorial and states exactly what needs to be observed and is very important, and of course this special robot and design speed.  It is said that its training file can be downloaded from inside the robot itself.


🤩 Easily and only on your Android phone, you can use this software and automatically send multiple records of buying or selling for a share in a fraction of a second.

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من هر کاری میکنم مرحله به مرحله تنظیمات بگیر تا ارسال سفارش جواب نگرفتم چرا یه فیلم از خرید سرخطی عرضه اولیه نمی‌گذارید اگه واقعا جواب میده فقط عرضه اولیه لطفا در غیر اینصورت لطفا ملت رو مچل نکنید با تشکر از تیم برنامه نویس فعلا یک ستاره میدم چون هرکاری میکنم نمیشه سرخطی بزنم
سلام فایل پی دی اف توضیح برنامه باز نمیشه و برنامه فقط روی صفحه خودش تیک میخوره و در صفحات دیگر گوشی یا روی سفارش دادن چرخه و ثانیه اون کار میکنه ولی سفارش نمیگذاره و دکمه سفارش را نمیتونه فشار بده لطفا بگید اشکال چیست روشن خاموشم کردم درست نشد تنظیمات پی دی اف را هم چون باز نمیشه برام بفرستید
سلام من چند روزه دارم سعی میکنم سرخطی بزنم ولی بهترین حالت رتبه ۳۰۰۰ داشتم. لطفا تنظیماتی اگر بهتر هست برای من ارسال کنید.الان روی تنظیمات طبق فایل پی دی اف هست