Who is Muhammad (Pbuh)? HD

Who is Muhammad (Pbuh)? HD

Version 1.0.4
Install +10 K
Category Religious
Size 59 MB
Last Update 2016 May 26
Who is Muhammad (Pbuh)? HD

Who is Muhammad (Pbuh)? HD

Mehad Family and Child Innovation Center
Version 1.0.4
Install +10 K
Category Religious
Size 59 MB
Last Update 2016 May 26
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More Info

Who is Muhammad?
 Muhammad is a global figure, who does not belong to any special nation or tribe, and anyone can judge his character from his viewpoint and introduce him as s/he views him.
This app is an attempt to answer the questions of your inquiring mind about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him a) so as to achieve immediate knowledge of Islam through his life.
App "Muhammad is?" takes a realistic and historical look at the Prophet of Islam, i.e. Muhammad's (PBUH ) conduct and behavior in the form of an  illustrated story. It also gives you the possibility of correctly thinking about the Prophet and his religion and impartially judging him.


Hello, dear Friend!
We invite you to join other children, teenagers and families throughout the world by sharing your opinions, views and compositions about Honorable Messenger of Islam Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family) through the following hashtag #whoismuahmmad2016. Likewise, we suggest you to have a look at our animation application “The Life Story of Honored Messenger (PBUHAHF)”, which is available on the following address Whoismuhammad2016.com. Meanwhile it is free to download the application and in case you find the application interesting, we ask you to share it with your family and friends. We hope, that the mass campaign “Who is Muhammad” will foster the more clear presentation of life and performance of Islam’s Honorable Prophet (PBUHAHF) and moreover will help to increase the scopes of unity and solidarity between sincere venerators of His Holiness Muhammad (PBUHAHF) regardless of their faith and religion.
We are extremely thankful for your attention.


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4.6 from 5
محمد رنجبر
محمد رنجبر
اپلیکیشن جالبی هست قسمت هایی از زندگی پیامبر اسلام حضرت محمد صلی الله علیه و آله وسلم را نمایش می دهد اما یکی از بزرگترین ایرادهای آن اینست که هیچ اشاره ای به امیرالمومنین علی بن ابی‌طالب علیه‌ السّلام نشده است .
عالیه ممنون خدا خیرتان بده که میخواین اسلام رو و پیامبر رو به مردم در کشور های دیگه معرفی بکنید ... ممنون