Java programming tutorial

Java programming tutorial

Version 9.0
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Category Education
Size 10 MB
Last Update 2015 December 6
Java programming tutorial

Java programming tutorial

hamed taheri
Version 9.0
In-app Purchases
Install +1 K
Category Education
Size 10 MB
Last Update 2015 December 6
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More Info

Ahead curriculum firmly one of the best training programs in the Java programming language is Farsi and English.
In this course you will have an overview of the Java programming of specific topics and a very useful later as a fully functional Java Professional introduces you to many examples.
In the program code to better understand the concepts presented in full color. The class diagram drawn in different places and all conditions have been provided for better learning.
It's for people who just want their programming to people who are familiar with Java and Java professionals who want to be right. At the end of the course to make sure you have Java programming language proficiency.

Computer engineering students as well as advanced computer programming course also be very helpful and informative.
It's gonna take up all issues Professional version supports the newest and the best source is the Latin for headlines.
Season of the program based on academic and personal programming experience, I brought the principles of the chapter and the following chapters carefully review all of the topics to be covered up.
tips : The program is free to test the demo is only 2 seasons and it is free to use the entire course must be paid within the stated purchase.
Among the features of the program:
1 course covers all topics for Java professionals
2 displays the color codes are the same as IDE.
(3) use of class diagrams and examples of applications
4 without the internet, the whole season is quite Offline.
(5) the ability to change the text color of your choice with no restrictions.
6 The ability to change the wallpaper and background in different dark and light text with high contrast.
7 The ability to change the Font type and size.
8 Fully Persian Farsi Maker No need to install any external programs.
9 supports a variety of display with high resolution HD Xdpi for mobile phones and tablets
And ...
A prerequisite for learning programming
Virtual Machine?
Java History
10 something that every Java programmer should know
And ...
The basic concepts of Java programming:
Memory Management
Literals are
A quantity of input
Errors and Comments
And ...
Types of conditional and iteration structures and arrays:
Two-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays
And ...
Classes and Objects:
Object creation and access to the class variables
The final and static correction
Reclaiming unused memory
Single classes
Polymorphism in Java
And ...
Special Topics classes and methods:
Pass an object as a function of input
Array of Objects
Implementation and development of multi-interface
Inheritance in Java
HAS-A relationship
Abstract class
Use enumeration
And ...
Learning to work with regular expressions:
Concept of regular expressions
Creating and working with regular expressions
And ...
Introduction to Java Collection classes:
Introduction to Collections
The List, Map, SortedMap, SortedSet Interface
All standard Java collections
And ...
Generic and practical training are:
Advanced training with the input and output:
Start with IO
Binary I / O Classes
File and Directory classes and Serialization
And ...
Error Handling in Java:
Exceptions in Java
Manage exceptions with try-catch
Get an error
Create a custom error class
And ...
MultiThreading discussed in Java:
Create crisp using the extended class
Thread of Control
And ...
Socket programming:
Socket programming concepts
Upload file to FTP
And ...
Databases in Java:
Drivers or connectors
Add JAR files to the project
How to Backup and Restore
And ...
Design Patterns Design Patterns in Java:
And ...

key: Programming - Java - java - javascript - JavaScript - Android - Learn Java

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