Fancy Signature Maker

Fancy Signature Maker

نسخهٔ ۱.۱۳
نصب +۱۰
دسته‌بندی سرگرمی
حجم ۱۰ مگابایت
آخرین بروزرسانی ۱۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳
Fancy Signature Maker

Fancy Signature Maker

نسخهٔ ۱.۱۳
نصب +۱۰
دسته‌بندی سرگرمی
حجم ۱۰ مگابایت
آخرین بروزرسانی ۱۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳
مشاهده‌ی نتایج بررسی آنتی‌ویروس

تصاویر برنامه

معرفی برنامه

جزئیات بیشتر

Fancy Signature Maker allows you to make a signature from text and additionally signature from handwriting or paint. Which is meant for the purpose of entertainment and customization. Fancy Signature Maker is NOT meant for any sort of legitimate use (You may NOT utilize them to sign your value load, payday advance, loan and so on so forth).

Fancy Signature Maker App will make a stylish signature. You need to pick a Signature font, style/design, color, size, and draw your signature by handwriting. When you need to show the result of write text by tapping on the 'Create' button it will create a distinctive style of signature. If the result looks great and if you want to save this signature image. You can also share the current signature image with your friends and family via any social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber with help of message, post, and much more.

You may be used different apps related to signature like Digital, electronic, PDF, photo, or scanned signature maker mobile app for a signature maker, this app one of entertainment app you will enjoy it.

Feature of Signature Maker:
✔ Fancy and High Definition Graphics
✔ More the 150 signature Fonts.
✔ Support Handwriting Drawing Signature.
✔ Multiple Color Picker for Text and Background.
✔ Support Smart Workplace for Save Signatures.
✔ You can easily share your created Signature with friends.
✔ Supported all screen sizes and android devices.

How to create a stylish signature.
✔ Enter your Name/Text in the Text box.
✔ Click/Tap on Create Button.
✔ Choose a Signature Style/Font (You can also Change Signature Size, Color from the menu).
✔ Style of Signature is a change in different ways it can be changed from CREATE button, << Back >> Next buttons or it can be changed by simply touching Signature, by long tap on Signature it will save current Signature in external SD-Card/ Phone Memory within a folder having the name of "SignedMaker".
✔ If you want to make a paint or handwriting signature Click/Tap on the manual button, choose color along with pen size, and then paint/draw your signature.
✔ If you want to share the currently created Signature by clicking/tapping the share button and share it with your friends via social media or Message then use the title of the app (share button is on the Top of the Screen).

Signature Maker is a free entertainment app and has some ads come so you need not worry about that. In case of any problems with the effect Fancy Signature Maker, please send us an e-mail and review briefly about the problem, we will be very thankful for such kinds of feedback.

Share the Fancy Signature Maker app and share great fun among your friends.

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