Install | +50 K |
From 1,376 Rates | 4.1 |
Category | Entertainment |
Size | 12 MB |
Last Update | 2015 August 23 |
Install | +50 K |
From 1,376 Rates | 4.1 |
Category | Entertainment |
Size | 12 MB |
Last Update | 2015 August 23 |
For example, several years ago to identify the perpetrators of a designer to draw the face of the person in question was used, but today we see that the use of a software police departments can easily face of the criminal portraits acquired.
Software professional portraits in the same field. Software professional portraits to portraits in the face of great help. With the help of this software you can easily design the faces of people in your smartphone, and then save it using your printer to print it. In this application all the tools and parts of the face like the face, eyebrows, hair, ears, mouth, nose and other facial color was to put together a performance that can easily drag the face of the person you want .
Some features of this software:
For detailed portraits with professional tools.
A variety of instruments and portraits.
Ready to face a variety of forms.
A beautiful and friendly environment.
An appropriate volume.
Easy to use.
Component color