Basic Education High School in the

Basic Education High School in the

Version 2.1.1
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Last Update 2014 August 26
Basic Education High School in the

Basic Education High School in the

Version 2.1.1
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Category Kids
Size 25 MB
Last Update 2014 August 26
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More Info

Teaching aids, point by point, for eight grade
That students can learn through playing and indirectly

Questions divided into 6 categories each

+ Features
Boost Intelligence
Enjoy Courses
Strengthening the realization
Rising wealth words
Create joy , happiness and strengthen the thinking powers
Learning and teaching within the game
Learn, practice and repetition of terms

+ Features
With over 72 different stages
With over 432 different questions

Sixth grade is based + includes the following sections :

+ + + Lessons Farsi
Places and Photos ( Village village , thirty- three bridges , etc.)
Words together ( nest , summer school , etc.)
Order of months (May , June , and ... )
Specify the appropriate verb for each sentence ( I went to go ... )
Extension words ( Forest, student , etc.)
The meaning of the term 1 ( heads , and in the ... )
Meaning of the verb in each sentence ( placed , payment , etc.)
Means any innuendo ( nannies compassionate mother , Tease and ... )
The meaning of the term 2 ( hair , hair , feet , etc.)
Characterize the invention and books ( Ferdowsi , Zakaria Razi , Edison and ... )
Blanks ( live , yard , Khan , Reader, furnishings , etc.)
+ + + Science
Complete the sentences 1 ( aquaculture , pollution, visual , etc.)
Complete sentences 2 (machines, vehicles , smoke , gas , electricity , etc )
The correct answer is 1 ( plants , soil , equipment , etc.)
The correct answer is 2 ( sound , colors , lights , etc )
The correct answer is 3 ( birds , food , houses , etc )
Understanding the tools and topics ( food , newspapers, garbage , etc.)
Complete one ( working nerve cells , and the cell cover ... )
Appropriate answer questions 1 ( a gas that is produced from burning wood , water suitable for plants and ... )
Appropriate answer Question 2 ( the second stage of agriculture, the use of medicinal plants , etc.)
Groups of animals ( leeches , Tarantula , shrimp , etc.)
Classified in any of the cases ( soil, air , water and sand ... )
Complete 2 ( light conditions, say marine eyes and ... )
Blanks ( the hardest minerals , components and dogs ... )
The answer to each question ( transporting sediments by running water ... )
3 Complete ( original Andan breathe in and breathe ... )
The correct answer is ( because of the red color of blood , plasma , and What ... )
Tests ( materials, sweating , cell shape , and ... )
+ + + Math
Scripting pcs
Convert the sum and the sum multiplied by the multiplication of
Complete ( a quadrilateral with only two parallel sides and have a ... )
Divide the quotient of
Equal fractions
Simplified fractions
Sum of fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Camel Now ( triangle, rectangular , circular , etc.)
Solving problems ( environment, rectangle, diamond settings , etc.)
+ + + Lessons Quran
Message Signs
1 means the word (of God , NAS , etc.)
Meaning of words 2 ( sin , messaging , etc )
Verses mean
Appropriate response (guidance , prayer , etc.)
Vocabulary ( however , good and ... )
+ + + Heavenly gift
Answers to Questions 1 (Friday , photo albums , etc.)
Blank one ( thinking , Asiya , safe and ... )
The answer to Question 2 ( Madina Masjid cassock and ... )
2 vacancies ( fire , head , eclipse , etc )
The correct answer is 1 ( the seventh Imam , Medina ... )
The answer to Question 3 ( a snake , bird sound , etc. )
3 blanks ( Khadija , Muhammad , Gabriel and ... )
The correct answer is 2 ( tag Air , Allah is Aboozar ... )
4 vacancies ( Mohammad Amin , child , etc.)
Answers to Questions 4 ( Abu Talib , Allah , etc.)
5 vacancies ( hereafter , angels, God , etc.)
+ + + Education Achtmay
Test ( whole book)
The correct answer is 1 ( parent , principal , Islam, etc )
Complete ( Zoroastrian , Sassanian , and ... )
The answer is 1 ( D. , mail house , Jesus, and ... )
The answer is 1 ( Persians , Medes , Babylonians , and ... )

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